HP Graphing Calculator USB Device Driver

This is the same driver for HP 39g+, HP 39gs, HP 48gII, HP49g, HP49g+ and HP 50g Calculators.

Manufacturer: HP Company

Location: HPx9G+ Device

Driver Provider: KinpoSH

Driver Date: 2003.07.12

Driver Version:

Driver Details: %windows%\system32\drivers\hpx9g+.sys

Here is the quick procedure of how you can obtain and install the USB drivers. This procedure is applicable for HP 40gs, HP 48gII and HP 50g Calculators.

Note: This procedure is also similar if you have the Vista Operating System.

I) Downloading and extracting the file

Download (File Size: 24KB)

Screen 1

After you have downloaded the software and double click on the zip file and you should see the screen like the above. Follow step 1 to 3 and one step 3, type in *C:* and click the next button. This will extract the files inside zip file and put them in c:\UsbDriver folder on your computer hard disk.

II) Installing the Calculator USB driver

Plug in the cable between the calculator and the computer. You should be able to hear a USB detection and if the driver has not be previously installed, the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ will appear.

Screen 2

On step 5., remember to change the location of the file to C:\UsbDriver so that the installation wizard knows where to look for it. If you are prompted ‘Hardware Installation… HPx9g+ DEVICE…’, do click on the ‘Continue Anyway’ button.

III) Check that the USB driver has been properly installed

Below is the newer USB Driver for HP49G+. If your driver version is smaller than then you may want to download and update it.

To check your driver version…

To update this driver: