In the calculations below, remember the sign convention! If you have an error on your HP12C, either that or omitted data is the most likely cause. Remember also that the interest rate must be consistent with the number of periods on the HP12C. If you have 12 percent annual interest, and are using 12 periods per year, you would enter 1 into [i] (or you could enter 12 [g] [i]).

To calculate First clear Next enter Next enter Next enter Next enter Push for result
Future value fX<>Y and fCLX # n # i (consistent with n) #PMT (if any). Annuity payments # PV (if any). Single payments now FV
Present value fX<>Y and fCLX # n # i (consistent with n) #PMT (if any). Annuity payments # FV (if any) . Single payments at time n PV
Interest rate fX<>Y and fCLX # n #PMT (if any). Annuity payments # PV (if any). Single payments now # FV ( if any). Single payments at time n i
Annuity payment fX<>Y and fCLX # n # i (consistent with n) #PV (if any). Single payments now # FV (if any)< /i>. Single payments at time n PMT

To amortize a loan with your HP12C

Do the steps for annuity payment as shown above. Then enter 0 into n. Enter # (the number of periods you want to amortize) followed by fn [ amort]. For example, to calculate interest and principal paid for the first five periods of a loan, enter 5 amort:

If you had 12 months of payments on your house loan after the short first interval of 5 payments above, you’d press 12 amort. The first calculation would amortize 5 months of the loan, and the second calculation would amortize 12 months of the loa n. Press # amort for each subsequent interval you wish to amortize using the HP12C keys.

To calculate IRR and NPV with your HP12C

Enter the cash flows as follows, remembering the sign convention: