hp 10s - Standard Deviation
One way to verify that your calculator is working properly is to follow the example on Page 23 of the User Guide.
To put calculator into SD mode:
Press [ Mode ] key and select 2.
You should see a “tiny” SD on the top row.
You can now use “DT” which is [ M+ ] key to enter data.
Try this example:
4.5 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=1
4 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=2
2 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=3
3.25 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=4
3.5 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=5
3.75 [ M+ ] the screen will display n=6
To get mean, you should…
Press [ AC ]
Press [ Shift ] and followed by [ S-VAR ]
and select [1] (x-bar)
and press [ = ]
The screen will display 3.5
To get SD:
Press [ AC ]
Press [ Shift ] [ S-VAR ]
and select [3]
and press [ = ]
The screen will display 0.851469318